Saturday, February 6, 2010

Am I feeling human....maybe!

Ahhh a week later and I am feeling so much better, may not look a whole lot better but feeling better!  I can now get up without scaring everyone with my groans and may even be able to sleep in my own bed soon!  LOL!!  I am sure Maddie will have saomething to say about that since she has been enjoying snuggling with Daddy.  Larry has been really great and is getting the hang of the kids and their schedule.  He knows to just leave me alone and check on me occasionally since when I am not feeling well, I am not fun to be around! 

I have exciting news....Emily made honor roll!!!  I am still in shock but am so very proud!  I am sticking as many bumper stickers on my van as possible!  She is still struggling with math but is plugging along and slowly getting it. 

Zach has also started to crawl and is quite fast already!  He is not liking that I don't pick him up or hold him much but surely I do not want to go through this surgery again! 

Maddie is happy I am home and got rid of my big belly...gotta love what comes out of the mouthes of babes!  She asked me why they didn't take my big booty too...I wonder why also sweetie! 

Larry has been doing work around the house.  He has changed out the bathroom mirror in the kid's bathroom and the light fixture.  It is amazing how things look so different even with  few changes.  He will be painting the living room and laying wood floors this week...God help us!  I will just have to lay in bed and drug myself if he gets too crabby! 

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend and has a safe one as well! 

Woo Hoo!

So happy and proud...

Maddie with her little tude!

Zach movin' and groovin'!


SurferWife said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better. And way to go, Emily!! Awesome!

Andrea said...

Glad Larry is stepping up to the plate. Congrats Emily!

Worrybook said...

Ha ha...

"why didn't they take your big booty too?"

too funny :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better! I hope you continue to stay well!

Just started following you from MBC.

Unknown said...

Your kids are so cute!

I'm following you from MBC.


Unknown said...

Congratulations to Emily for being in the honor roll... You must be really a proud mommy.

New follower from MBC..