Thursday, January 28, 2010

Surgery tomorrow

Ok guys...tomorrow is the big day, surgery day, and boy am I nervous!  I have to be at the hospital at 5:30am and my surgery is scheduled for 7:30am.  Hubby will be back home with the kiddos so I am on my own which is fine since I told doc to drug me up good!  I have my bags packed for hubby to bring once we have someone to watch the kiddos in the afternoon.  I will be offline till I am back home and up and feeling good enough to sit in front of the computer.  Wish me luck....I think I am going to need it! 


Colleen said...

GL Wendy--you'll do great, this'll be a cakewalk after childbirth, LOL

SurferWife said...

Very best of luck! I'll be thinking of you!

Coryanne Ettiene | Kitchen Living with Coryanne said...

I love that comic, knitting is fun but such hard work for me. Thanks for popping by housewife bliss, I have returned the favour. All the best, Coryanne

Tammy said...

Hoping you are on the mend quickly! Thinking about you!

Tart N Candle Addict said...

I hope all is well and the surgery was a big success. I wish you a speedy recovery. Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking over your blog
God bless you and your family

Unknown said...

Hi, imm here following from MBC,
I hope you feel better soon ;)

Angela said...

LOL on the comic. I always forget the knitting rules. I'm glad your surgery went well and hope recovery get easier.

I'm following from the MBC.

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