Monday, February 7, 2011

Thank back to school

Last week was horendous.  No school for 4 days....yes 4 DAYS!!!  First was due to snow and ice, then the next excuse was too cold (I don't think -10 is that and the final excuse was to save natural gas due to the fact some counties HAD NONE!!!!  Thankfully we did not lose our heat but we did cut back to do our part.  Let's just say I am glad to have that week behind me!

This week is filled with appointments for both girls and the cat, plenty of MOMS group activities, an appointment to talk to the DA handling our case and getting my next observation done!  I did not expect to already be observing children with these being my first classes but it has been very educational.  I am enjoying this much more than algebra and chemistry!  

Tonight is the preview for the Financial Peace University at my church.  I have been reading but I think hearing and seeing the information will be much better for me and hopefully hubby will go with me instead of me telling him how much money he can spend!  

This weel is going to be a very busy week and I am sure it will fly by.  Hope you all have a good one!

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