Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Doctor says......

That I am healing well and the pain I have is normal and will go away once I am completely healed.  I was so worried the pain was my gallbladder and that another surgery was on the horizon.  Thank goodness things are ok! 

Today the weather is nice...low 50's and sunny.  Unfortunately my kiddos allergies are in overdrive so no fun outside for us.  Poor Zachy man is so congested and taking benadryl.  Maddie is on claritin and eye drops to help her.  Emily is ok with just otc meds so one less to take to doctor!  I am taking otc pills as well.  Larry is in Colorado enjoying some volleyball and quiet time to get his classwork done.  Two of my classes start next week, human growth and developement w/lab and my online medical terminology.  The week after my algebra class starts....did I ever mention I don't care for math?  It has always been my worst subject....I just hope I can get a tutor and finally finish my math requirements! 

I am working on my reviews and giveaways so hope to have those done by friday.  I am very excited about them!  I hope you all will enjoy them as much as I had doing them!  Until tomorrow....


MIG said...

I hope you feel better soon! :) Take care of yourself.

Scarlet of Moms Wear Your Tees said...

Glad you are healing well. I am following your blog!

Anonymous said...

Following back from MBC :)

Deb K said...

Hope that you start feeling better quick!(((HUGS)))

Following back from MBC :)